What We Do

DeBlase Brown Eyerly LLP is a leading California law firm representing people and families harmed by asbestos and other catastrophies. The firm is committed to achieving the best possible outcome for each of our clients. We do the work to get results. We research, investigate, prosecute and, if necessary, try cases to verdict.

We are a law firm focusing on civil trials. That means we actually go to trial. We've found the best way to achieve maximum compensation for the damage caused to our clients is to prepare for and try cases. If you are interviewing law firms to represent you for an asbestos-related disease, ask the prospective lawyer how many juries he or she has picked in the last 12 months. Ask for specifics like trial date, judge, and case number. Ask how many cases that lawyer currently has on file in your city. Ask whether that lawyer will be prosecuting and trying your case or whether he or she will refer your case to someone else. Then ask us these questions.

In addition to asbestos-caused injuries (mesothelioma, lung cancer, and asbestosis), the firm prosecutes civil cases involving other cancer-causing products and chemicals such as Roundup and hexavalent chromium.

The vast majority of our work is fighting for people harmed by asbestos and other harmful chemicals. We love what we do. We would be honored to help you in this fight.

如果您被確診發現罹患間皮癌, 請與我們討論要求賠償的選擇